I hope no one minds another Prestige Tease set. This time it’s Only Tease’s own Melanie Walsh. Melanie is in the library, wearing a sexy secretary outfit or I should say taking off her secretary outfit. She teases out of the formal office to suit to show off her erotic lingerie. Underneath, she’s wearing a sheer bra with pink lace, matching panties and garter. She also has on sheer black stockings.
Visit Only Tease to see all of the erotic photos from Melanie Walsh’s secretary and lingerie photo shoot. Of course, while you’re there check out the other Prestige Collection models like Lucy Pinder, Michelle Marsh, Carli Banks and many more.
Don’t forget to visit Only Melanie’s personal site too. There you can see exclusive photos of the glamour model, along with erotic videos. Her site is updated at least three times a week and you can always email her or chat at her message forum.