Sophie definitely puts a very naughty and very adult spin on the story of Alice In Wonderland here. She looks like she just stepped out of a fairy tale and into the Only Tease studio. Underneath her Alice In Wonderland dress, Sophie is wearing a red lace bra with matching french knicker panties. Of course, I also have to mention her white stockings.
Click here to see more of Alice at Only Tease. Only Tease is more than just a simple “babe” site. Only Tease features nothing but sexy women in erotic clothing and naughty outfits. There you can see everything from wild costumes like this Alice In Wonderland dress to sexy secretary outfits that you can see women wearing every day. Of course, underneath their outfits there’s almost always sexy lingerie and leg wear for you to enjoy.
Take the free Only Tease tour and see everything that this site has to offer.