Look who just rode up (I promise not to make any more bad puns today), we have a little Rachel Victoria teasing in her riding gear. Rachel makes it look very sexy, but I don’t think too many of you men will mind when she loses her breeches, shirt and jacket. Underneath she has a stunning red lace bra and panty set. But the outfit wouldn’t be complete without a pair of black pantyhose, I mean I always know I wear pantyhose when I go riding…or something. Not that I’ve been on a horse since I was little.
You can of course see more of Rachel Victoria at Only Tease. Check out the beautiful ladies and the collections of erotic lingerie, bras, panties and, of course, stockings. But if you like babes in uniforms or even costumes, you can see that at Only Tease also. If you have a thing for stunning women in erotic clothing, Only Tease is the site for you.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I know I am for once. Except for right about now, I’m looking forward to a quick nap.